Svelte Meetup Demo

Svelte Meetup Demo
I talked about Svelte and SvelteKit, and gave demos, at our local tech Meetup
This site has been dormant for over a year, so, as 2023 comes to an end, it was time for some updates and housecleaning.
For 2024, more projects and articles are planned. Stay tuned.
Since the world is moving to the web, so am I, becoming conversant in JavaScript, Node.js, and Python on the back end, and HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript on the front end. I'm learning Svelte and Sveltekit. Consider me a "full-ish" stack developer.
Most of my recent projects involve acquiring (see BayNode Meetup talk), distilling (see NextQ), and integrating data (e.g. map data) from outside sources. I'm getting pretty good at that.
Most of this work was done in C or Java/Swing using desktop PCs. I'm continuing to do some contract work in these fields.